Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Life is good

Hello family,
Things are going great down here and im doing awesome! I can hardly believe that i've almost been out for two months now. The time has flown by and im learning so much each and every day. Last week for p-day we went over to a members home and played ping pong and had pizza and ice cream!!! It was awesome and i totaly kicked butt in ping pong except for brother barton he is like late 60's or 70 and he is amazing haha it was really fun though and i enjoyed it. On wednesday we had a zone conference down in thatcher and president and sister walker came and spoke to us and fed us and then we watched a movie all about Emma Smith. I didn't realize just how much she went through as well as Joseph she is an amazing lady and I have a greater admiration of her as well as Joseph!! Thursday was an awesome day and we had the most powerfull lesson ever with one of our investigators Derek, he had been having a rough day and we had the impression to go and visit him. When we got there he was pretty distraught and confused and was wondering why he didn't have the spirit with him always and his family was giving him a hard time about joining the church. We offered to give him a blessing and he said he couldn't accept it because if he did and it came true then that would just be another testimony of the true church so we talked to him and he started to cry and he was pretty much giving us his life story and how things have happened. He told us flat out that he knew the church was true and that Joseph Smith was a prophet, but that he was afraid that his parents would disown him if he joined. It was a lesson where the spirit was litteraly poured out upon us and by end everyone was crying. He ended up getting a blessing and now he is doing great he has so many questions and alot of it is deep doctrine and im terrible at that but luckly elder kern is really good. Friday and Saturday were really busy we had alot of servie to do and stuff. there is this ward member and his sister was leaving with her kids for the week and he wanted to fix up the house. Her kids have autism and can't control there motor skills very good so there was holes and it was just a big mess and to top off this sad story her husband got in a car accident and died a few months prior. So we went in on friday and patched the holes then sanded and on saturday we got it all painted and it looks really nice now I think she'll like it. Don't worry I have befor and after pictures for it!! Monday was pretty awesome we had a good and day and taught a few lessons, but it was then end of the day as we were going home that made the night. as we were biking back to the apartments we saw the other elders in the truck going by and they honked at us adn we didn't think anything of it and then when we were about to go through the intersection when they drove by and pulled into a parking lot. then me and elder kern realized that they wanted to pick us up. so we had the brillant idea to out run them and hide. So we raced through the intersection and we were about to go around the corner when we saw this perfect place to hide. Elder kern had plenty of enough time to turn, but i didn't so i slammed on the brakes and i pretty much fish tailed into the dirt trail and went on from there. The skid mark from that awesome slide in was at least ten feet long and it was probably the coolest thing ever to witness haha. Long story short we barely escaped and made it back to the apartment befor them!! Today we went to the temple and thats why im emailing today!!!! The temple was awesome, really small, but awesome!! I saw one my friends from the MTC there and we talked for awhile and while we were talking he like blurted out dude your like tiny do you eat at all?? I had a good laugh at that one i think the question is when do i not eat haha. but apparently im really skinny now...anywho im doing good and things are awesome out here, tranfers are next tuesday so i'll talk to you then love you all!

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