Monday, November 22, 2010

Lots going On

Hey everybody,
So this week was much better than last week for sure!! On monday it was p-day so we just hung out in the apartment and went shopping. Later that night we went to a members home and taught one her friends, but there was a problem she was boy shy and thought that we were way cute or something like that so we couldn't talk to her very good but hopefully we can teach her soon. We also ate dinner that night and guess who I met!!!! someone from morgan!!!!! Itwas awesome!! If you know the mcfarlands from the peterson ward the wife and mom of who we had dinner with are sisters so we talked about morgan and all of the family it was great!!
On Tuesday we had specialized training with president walker and the assistants it was a good experience and i learned a whole bunch! We also taught a couple people adn had dinner with the Brauns!
On wednesday we taught Diane Huey, one of our investigators, the restoration and she commited to being baptized and she came to church yesterday and loved it!
Lets see here thursday it got interesting when we were riding our bike a cop pulled us over hahahaha that was a first for me!! I was dieing laughing because she was like you can't ride your bike across a cross walk you have to walk it. then she threatened to give us a ticket but she didn't. We also finished up things with Kem Gram, another investigator, she is being baptized this saturday. I'm doing the confirmation and im pretty scared because i have never done it before. Oh we also tracked this weird guy that looked and acted just like the guy on the movie UP! he was all grouchy and was like i don't believe in this mumbo jumbo you just want my money and stuff like that. he's going to have a rude awakening when he dies...
On friday our district leader got pulled over for rolling a stop sign and then we taugh derek thompson, he is one of those investigators that doesn't have a sense of humor and takes everything literal so its a little difficut to teach him, but i know if we can get him to church it will change his mind. And we also made a candle out of a paper party hat and a bunch of smaller candles...
Saturday was full of service we cleaned up what i like to call ghetto town!! but here its called fry town it was called mormon helping hands or something and all the wards came and helped. and then we gave Diane Huey a church tour!!
On sunday i had to speak in 1st ward and it was pretty scary because i was talking to abunch of strangers pretty much, church for a missionary is from 5-4:30 p.m. so it was a long but relaxing day of church. and thats about it this week.
Love Elder Bingham

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